Sunday, July 31, 2011

"MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" #RandomThoughts

Life... it has it's up's and down's, it's "when you think you are on the right track", and the "falling off the rail moments." But, regardless of the 'good' and the 'bad', at the end of the day I believe that it truly all does happen for a reason, and with that, a lesson is always to follow.
You can choose to bask in negativity, or learn how to realize that your glass is half full rather then half empty. Optimism.. is a word that is used by many, but followed by few... Does that make sense? What I mean is, a lot of people will "preach" about how positive or 'happy' they are in life, but deep down inside, they're bitter and empty.

I know it's not easy to always be optimistic, but one way I can tell you how is by appreciating what you DO have in life. The people, family, friends, those who support you, and yourself. You have to be happy with you before you can be truly happy in life. Love yourself, learn to appreciate you as a person, and also realize your "flaws" and try to improve them. No one is 'perfect' or better then the next. The little steps you take to becoming a better you the more you will receive and enjoy your fruit's of labor.

Right now I'm in a place where I do still see my dream (thank God), and I am still motivated to accomplish it all. I'm always up for a challenge, and I believe by doing just that, it'll also help towards your progression in life. Never stop, never settle. I do lose focus here and there, but I try to remain moving at a forward angle. I can honestly say that I am happy right now, so happy that I feel at peace, & this is a moment that I want to stop, look around, and appreciate it. The love, I feel it. It's a beautiful thing, and it does shift as you mature (that's a whole 'nother blog). For right now I just want to say Thank You. To everyone, for absolutely no reason, but just because, because I appreciate life, and all that comes with it.

Know that these are just my scattered thoughts of the moment, but for some reason I felt a need to jot them down..figured I might as well share... there's always somebody out there that can connect and relate, hopefully whoever they are, they got to read this. Keep going, never stop.

Looking forward to future lessons...

Just my thought of the day ♥

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