Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Is It Anybody's Business??

Had a convo with a family member, we we're speaking about how people can become obsessed with other peoples business & there personal life.

I've never been one to "talk"..a.k.a speak on my personal life, because I never felt like it was anybodies business, but as you start to become a public figure/ being in the public EYE (boy does that eye ever stare so hard), people tend to have there nose on you a little harder. Why is that? & I know it doesn't happen to just the popular. It can be you, at work, you walk in & the whole office is whispering about who you left with or we're just talking to at the office party last night. Why is it that people care to gossip SO much?

I wonder if it makes the "gossipeas" (yes I made that word up) feel like they're in the know how about "what's going on in the neighborhood news" *shrugs* for whatever reason it is I personally think it's kinda weird o_0 .. But then again, who's fault is it really?

I've always said, "if you're a messy person, you're bound to get dirty" meaning if you are a girl that puts her personal life all out there, you're just giving people more of a reason to talk about you. Sometimes some girls can be attention hungry and then end up getting the wrong kind of attention cause they don't know how to keep there mouth shut. They just feel like they HAVE to tell someone, which I believe to be extremely childish.(Maybe that's why I don't have many female friends *shrugs*)If you keep yours to yourself, relationships, friendships, etc.will last longer. But to each it's own I guess.

At the end of the day I'm a Pisces, according the whole astrological thing I'm somewhat naturally secretive, never cared to share. But me being that way has always kept me out of trouble.

So who knows why some people feed off of that kind of energy. But I say, do what makes & keeps you happy who cares what other people think!

My advice? "Your business is your business, keep it that way, that's good business."

Just my thought of the day ♥

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