Monday, November 22, 2010

Sex before relationship status

Is it "ok" to have sex with someone before a real foundation is established??
We'll in my opinion it depends on the situation.

If °A. The dude you're seeing is young
& you actually want the relationship to go somewhere, then I would advise on you holding out, at least a little!
Let him court you and really show his interest in him wanting to take things with you further then a one night stand. I think a lot of young ladies have the misunderstanding that if you want a guy to really like you, you have to give it up to him quick. #False.
I think if you wait, you'll actually be able to build a foundation with that person where he'll learn to appreciate you instead of looking at you like action for the night. If he doesn't respect that you want to wait & take time in getting to know each other first, then honey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he may not be that into you.

Which is OK! Life doesn't end, although in high school/early college it may feel that way, I promise you it's not.

Now if you're in situation °B. The dude you're seeing is an older man that knows who he is and what he wants (NOT ALWAYS but, usually 30yrs old & up....unfortunately) and you both are grown, then you may be able to move a little faster sexually with hopes of actually still being able to build a real relationship.

By that age usually men can read woman a little better and somewhat stop on the "games". If he wants to take you serious he'll let you know & vice versa. At the same time I'm not saying just go for the goal within first 45 minutes. Don't get me wrong, the "wooing" (we'll to me) is needed at any age. But when you're older you're playing on a different field. Where as the youngins hormones are still raging and they need to learn to focus on you instead of your va jay jay.

At the end of the day, carry yourself the way you want to be portrayed & treated. Pretty much, respect yourself and be respected. #ThatIsAll

Comments, questions, concerns?

Just my thought of the day ♥


  1. you hit it right on the head!!!

  2. I agree with a lot of what you saidd ..
    How old are you by the way?
